What we will take a light in the current topic is Title and Description Meta Tags which is very important to each website to attract search engine to make your website on the top of first page of Google for the keyword you will be targeted for.
Every page had a title which is the surname like your name has first name and middle name and the last name and we illustrated in the previous topics "the name of the page" and we showed that the importance of Title and the relation between it and the website content.
What you really should know that you must make a name of your website by the name of your keywords.
Some SEO Experts think that it will be the best to separate between keywords by using this mark (-)
Every page had a title which is the surname like your name has first name and middle name and the last name and we illustrated in the previous topics "the name of the page" and we showed that the importance of Title and the relation between it and the website content.
What you really should know that you must make a name of your website by the name of your keywords.
Some SEO Experts think that it will be the best to separate between keywords by using this mark (-)
(SEO Training - SEO Lesson - Learn SEO).
We think that you should use this mark (|) between every keyword such as,
(SEO Training | SEO Lesson | Learn SEO)
Not only interested in Title, but also you must be interested in Description of your website.<meta name="description"content="tornado for photography"> </head>
Description should be 152 letter maximum it will be perfect and it will make you strong through search engine, Title should be 60-70 letter maximum will make you strong through search engine and We will learn you how to make an important Description and how to be the best on the search engines.
Let us make a speed summary about the Description of this website, keywords and Title of the page, when you open your private page and press right click and choose view page source, You will find a lot of complicated words that it is HTML language, we interested in that as following:-
<meta http-equiv="content type"content="text/html; charest=UTF-8"
<meta http-equiv+"content-language"content="en-us">
<title>tornado to study photography</title>
<meta name="description"content="articles about photography,how to take a photo">
<meta name="keywords"content="photo,studio,tornado,photography books>
<meta name="copyright"content="tornado2010">
<meta name="rating"content="general">
<meta name="robots"content="index,follow">
Let us make a speed summary about the Description of this website, keywords and Title of the page, when you open your private page and press right click and choose view page source, You will find a lot of complicated words that it is HTML language, we interested in that as following:-
<meta http-equiv="content type"content="text/html; charest=UTF-8"
<meta http-equiv+"content-language"content="en-us">
<title>tornado to study photography</title>
<meta name="description"content="articles about photography,how to take a photo">
<meta name="keywords"content="photo,studio,tornado,photography books>
<meta name="copyright"content="tornado2010">
<meta name="rating"content="general">
<meta name="robots"content="index,follow">
Now after learning all about this field , You must make these steps alone without any help, It is very easy you will need a program such as
Microsoft Expression Web2
We are using Microsoft Office Front Page, open front page and press right click and choose page properties, fill up your website information like the following:-
On the Title write your Title of your website maximum 60-70 letter.
On the Description write only 152 letter maximum.
On keywords write 20 keywords and separates between them by "," or coma.
On the Title write your Title of your website maximum 60-70 letter.
On the Description write only 152 letter maximum.
On keywords write 20 keywords and separates between them by "," or coma.
Check this page SEO Tools for your website Meta Tags.