Other Meta Tags
We illustrated the Title, Page Description, Keywords and all these Meta Tags before.We said that Meta Tags are so many, so we will focus on the following Meta Tags which we have not yet explained so pay a good attention to what we are we going to say, it is really going to attract search engines to your website:-
<meta name="author"content="tornado">
<meta name="rating"content="general">
<meta name="robots"content="index,follow">
- The first Meta Tag is author you can change "tornado"by another word such John, James, Ralph or your name.
- The second Meta Tag is rating which means the appearance ranking of your website in the internet, so i usually write general. My advise to you to make it general to attract search engines and have adsense account approved fast because they need a variety of contents.
- The third Meta Tag is robots which means a file you should have it on your website because it makes search engines archive your whole website pages so as to be seen on the web to your visitors.
Other Meta Tags
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