E-Commerce And E-Marketing
Electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods or services through the different electronic systems on the internet and on the grounds of success On the grounds of success reached by e-commerce in these periods, we are in dire need certainly to the means and many ways to promote goods and services and publish them through social network which is called the Electronic Store of the website. The end of the acceptance of applications clients and customers who want to buy from you In a quick reading of e-marketing, we find that ideas between e-commerce and e-marketing marching in one direction and together in a line parallel while the difference is in style or manner in which the process of marketing and publishing hence It reflects some of the traditional trade models and concepts on electronic commerce
We are listing some models of E-Commerce
- B2B Which is a short for Business to Business
This type of electronic commerce depends on the exchange companies with each e-marketing relationships with each others. Example of companies that produce cardssuch as Display or sound cards and sell them to companies producing computers to collect and sell them later.
- B2C Which is short for Business to consumer
This type of e-commerce depends on the company to provide a particular product or service to its customers or its customers.
- P2P which is short for Peer to Peer
This type is considered less common marketing models where people marketing products or services among themselves. If we look for e-marketing through the Internet, we consider it as the electronic style in which they are carrying out publicity and marketing on the network through different mechanisms, These mechanisms are that characterize traditional marketing synonymous with electronic marketing through the use of search engines, for example, in the process of publicizing the websites and promote them, Or the use of electronic messaging technology to gain more customers and the definition of the commodity to other road-based and known in the world of E-marketing.